I would like to specifically mention two things that I personally found really interesting outside Circuit City that night: First, there was this group that actually had a portable stove with them to cook (or reheat) food as they waited (see pic) I realize it was a perfectly reasonable thing to do considering the temperature and time but now, those were men on a mission! Next, there was this guy who stepped out of a large Mercedes Benz and joined the hordes. Well, come on, if you have enough greens to own a Merc, do a coupla hundred bucks really matter that much?! All I can say is, it takes all kinds..!
If it were Madras, some young lad would have set up a small tea 'kadai' there to cash in on the tired shoppers but well, this isn't Madras so there was nothing around (maybe next year I should try this!). Anyway, the lines steadily grew longer until finally the doors opened at some weird time of the morning (?). The shoppers shopped, the billers billed and everybody lived happily ever after. Or so I presume, since a warm bed pulled me back home way before all this happened :)